【情報】1.7 開發資訊 - 2013年10月

2013-10-25 13:08:54 UTC Minecraft "The Update that Changed the World" 1.7.2 has been published in the launcher! Get it now!

2013-10-24 11:36:24 UTC In case you were wondering, Minecraft 1.7 (1.7.1), "The Update that Changed the World", will be released tomorrow, at around 15:00 CEST
1.7.1將會在明天約15:00(歐洲中部夏令時間 UTC+2)正式發布。

2013-10-23 12:11:26 UTC There's a new minecraft pre-release: 1.7.1. Linux users can now start the game, worlds stop corrupting, other fixes. mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…
發佈了1.7.1 pre-release。

2013-10-22 15:21 UTC It's here! 1.7 pre-release! mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…
twitter,  2
發佈了1.7 pre-release。

2013-10-21 16:42 UTC Surprise! It's a snapshot! Let's all welcome 13w43a into our lives and launchers. mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…

2013-10-21 08:19:31 UTC Finally got around to fixing the "I can't WASD on boats" bug.

2013-10-18 16:40:38 UTC Snapshot 13w42b has been released, now with 0.02% less bugs. mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…

2013-10-17 18:38 UTC Todays snapshot is brought to you by the hopes & dreams of little creeplets. mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…

2013-10-16 09:45:24 UTC Rewriting sounds to use a "sound event" system instead of "sound name". TL;DR means that resource packs can hopefully add new sounds soon.
twitter,  reddit,  t2,  t3,  t4,  r4
重寫了聲音系統, 使用了"聲音事件"而不是"聲音名稱", 這代表資源包將可用來添加新的聲音。 現在可以添加、移除、補充、隨機化和分組聲音, 較長的聲音(像是人聲片段)也不再凍結遊戲時間了。

2013-10-12 13:14:44 UTC I'm glad to finally talk about it! Minecraft Volume Beta in November! That means more music in Minecraft, the game, too!
Minecraft Volume Beta將會在十一月推出, 這代表Minecraft將有更多的音樂。 Minecraft Volume Alpha有58分鐘長, 但Minecraft Volume Beta有140分鐘長!

2013-10-11 15:24 UTC ... Stealth fix for crashes with server icon has been uploaded. Restart your client if you had that!
偷偷的釋出一個更新 來修復伺服器圖標造成的崩潰。

2013-10-11 15:13:19 UTC Server owners: You can add a 64x64 png called "server-icon.png" to your server folder in the latest snapshot, to show in server lists :)
在最新的snapshot中可以添加一個64x64的png圖檔, 並命名為"server-icon.png"後 放到伺服器資料夾裡, 將會在伺服器列表裡顯示。

2013-10-11 15:11:12 UTC Snapshot 13w41b has been released to fix some bugs/crashes. mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…

2013-10-10 15:15 UTC Didn't expect you to find the server icons so far, @pxl_panda ;) But there's more secret server-list feature(s)...
在13w41a中更新了伺服器圖標, 除此之外,還新增了更多秘密的伺服器列表特性。

2013-10-10 14:27 UTC Hey, look over there, it's a thing! And it has stuff! Yay! mojang.com/2013/10/minecr…
twitter,  2,  3,  4,
13w41a釋出了, 包含了一個愚人節玩笑的功能。

2013-10-10 14:15:07 UTC Seems like we won't have snapshot-13w40a today after all :'(
似乎今天還是不會有13w40a。 (因為已經是第41週了ww)

2013-10-10 11:57 UTC Feeling very good about todays snapshot. There's a lot of stuff that I've always wanted to do.
今天可能會釋出snapshot。 Dinnerbone對這次的snapshot感覺很好, 而且裡面有很多東西是他一直想做的。

2013-10-09 16:39 UTC I like secret features.

2013-10-09 13:38 UTC Got backwards compatible server pinging working, but seems that some modded servers refuse the valid ping request :(
ping在向下兼容的伺服器中是可用的, 但看來一些修改過的伺服器拒絕有效的ping請求。

2013-10-08 14:57 UTC Our new network code is coming along beautifully. Doing the status/ping stuff today (what you see in the server list). Jsonified!
新的網路代碼將會漂亮的到來, 今天正在做狀態/ping的東西(在伺服器列表裡看到的)。

2013-10-07 16:52 UTC If all goes well we should have a snapshot this week. If all goes ok the biggest feature will be that nothing is breaking! :D
如果一切順利,這週將會有snapshot。 如果一切順利,最大的功能將會很穩定。

2013-10-07 15:18 UTC The network code is working again! Hurray! Now to add some much needed cleanup, time to break it again! :D
網路代碼再次生效, 還需要加一些必要的清理。

2013-10-04 11:27:12 UTC The changelog for todays snapshot is that it won't be today! .. or this week. The new network code is not remotely doing what we want yet :(
今天,或是這個星期不會釋出snapshot, 和我們想要的網路程式碼還有很大的距離。

Carl Manneh
2013-10-04 08:25 UTC First Minecraft Realms account purchase being tested today. We're getting closer!
首個Minecraft Realms的帳號購買已經開始測試了。

2013-10-03 14:51:11 UTC The changelog for todays snapshot is that it will be tomorrow! :(

2013-10-03 11:21 UTC Worried about todays snapshot. So much network stuff to do! So little time!
因為太多網路的東西要做, 所以擔心今天的snapshot來不及完成。

2013-10-01 11:08 UTC Rewriting the network code in Minecraft today. Using Netty, and may drastically change the protocol for some nice improvements.
重寫網路的程式碼, 使用了Netty

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