【情報】1.7 開發資訊 - 2013年9月

2013-09-26 19:53 UTC The boat docking/fall damage fix doesn't apply to existing boats, so be sure to create new boats if you don't want to die ;)

2013-09-26 19:55:13 UTC Looks like I missed a case for Lily Pads and they still hate your boats. I believe I've fixed this now.
已經存在的船並沒有修復掉落/停靠傷害問題, 所以如果你不想回到重生點,務必要創建新的船。 看起來EvilSeph錯過了一個睡蓮的例子, 所以睡蓮仍然會破壞你的船。 EvilSeph相信自己已經修復它了。

2013-09-26 12:32 UTC I'm going to have to do something about that. We cannot not have c this week!

2013-09-25 17:10:15 UTC Brought some life back into #Minecraft weather, eg. thunder storms further darken the sky again. I missed that. mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-673

2013-09-25 17:11 UTC Also gave voice to those poor silent rain drops sometimes found in Extreme Hills biomes.
修復了雷雨的天空沒有比一般雨天的天空更暗的問題, 也讓Extreme Hills生物群系的雨滴有了聲音。

2013-09-25 13:54 UTC I always wondered what would happen if I would rename Tile to Block! /me commits 682 files changed, 35543 insertions(+), 35476 deletions(-)
Grum總是想知道如果他重新命名有實體附加值的方塊 至普通方塊會發生什麼事。 Grum改變了682個檔案,35543個插入,35476個刪除。

2013-09-24 20:02:31 UTC Worked on boats last week. Lily Pads beware! Also made boat docks more viable.

2013-09-24 20:22:30 UTC Lily Pads no longer mysteriously break your boat when you sail over them, instead YOU break THEM. mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-16435

2013-09-24 20:33 UTC Also improved falldamage handling for boats, so you can sail from water to a slab dock without breaking. mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-881
修復了船會被睡蓮破壞的問題, 也改善了船掉落傷害的處理, 所以從水中航行到半磚碼頭時船不會被破壞。

2013-09-23 14:56 UTC Ended up spending the day moving our logging over to Log4j 2. It's really fancy and I guess lets server owners do fancier things too.

2013-09-23 15:52 UTC I'm changing the default logging in MC servers to: logs/latest.log and archived to logs/2013-09-23-1.log.gz (-1 increased each startup)

2013-09-23 15:53 UTC You can change this to anything you want, including to some pretty html page or database, errors only or no logging at all. Yay log4j2 ;)
將記錄系統改為Log4j 2, 可以讓伺服主做些花俏的東西。 預設的記錄位置改為logs/latest.log, 且存檔到logs/2013-09-23-1.log.gz。 (每次啟動時最後一個數字會增加。) 你可以更改這個至任何你想要的東西, 包括一些漂亮的HTML頁面或者是資料庫, 或者只記錄錯誤或完全不記錄。

2013-09-19 20:47:07 UTC Has anybody noticed the small progression towards UUIDs in the latest snapshot? ;) #namechanging

2013-09-19 17:37 UTC We'll probably do a 'b' snapshot tomorrow with fixes for block breaking animation, crashes and the item frame map updating issue.
明天可能會有個'b'的snapshot, 修復了方塊破壞動畫、崩潰和物品展示框中的地圖更新問題。

2013-09-19 15:45:54 UTC New plan: 1.6.4 (yes, four) will be released very shortly, followed by a snapshot. The diff between 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 is extremely minor.
短期內將會釋出1.6.4,在snapshot釋出之後。 1.6.3和1.6.4之間的差別非常的小。

2013-09-19 14:45 UTC Todays snapshot isn't going to be feature packed & life changing, it's hugely technical & lots of behind the scenes rewriting.

2013-09-19 14:45 UTC Of course, that isn't to say that it doesn't have some nice things ;)
今天的snapshot不會有大量的新功能和改變, 而是重寫了大量的技術和很多我們看不到的程式碼, 當然,這不代表這次沒有任何的好東西。

2013-09-19 10:41:13 UTC Today is both a snapshot of 1.7 & full release of 1.6.3 day.
今天是發布1.7 snapshot和1.6.3正式釋出的日子。

2013-09-18 19:56 UTC Just added FXAA. Seems we won't be doing MSAA, we might do SMAA! dAArn it, thAAt is AA lot of AAs o.O
最後加入了FXAA(Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing)。

2013-09-18 12:06 UTC Working on more Super Secret Settings stuff.
正在從事更多"Super Secret Settings"的東西。

2013-09-16 21:19:47 UTC Okay okay I give in. You can have your fancy maps, Mr. @Zisteau. dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…

2013-09-16 19:44:28 UTC When a player earns an achievement in multiplayer, everybody will find out about it in 1.7. This can be turned off :) dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…
當一個人在多人模式中獲得成就時會廣播, 且這個功能可以被關閉。 除此之外,當你丟鑽石給別人時, 會獲得一個新的成就。


2013-09-16 18:24 UTC Big(!) images now rehosted by @thexpaw (%0c3)! Now with fancy sliders, +1image (scroll). lab.xpaw.ru/minecraft-mipm… & anisotropic goodness

2013-09-17 10:25:51 UTC Mipmapping, anisotropic filtering and FSAA coming to a snapshot near you soon!

2013-09-17 11:56 UTC Boo! Seems that FSAA doesn't play nice when using FBOs, this means we need to implement SSAA or MSAA and that might not make the snapshot =(
加入了mipmapmipmapanisotropic算法。 這裡有幾張對照圖。 也加入了FSAA(Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing)算法, 不過似乎在使用FBO(Frame Buffer Object)的時候效果並不好, 所以可能會改成SSAA(Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing)或MSAA(Multisample Anti-Aliasing), 且今晚不會製作snapshot。

2013-09-12 13:24:25 UTC Oh man, our chat system just became that much more powerful. dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…

2013-09-10 17:45:08 UTC I tried to come up with an "odd"-width alternative to the nether portal earlier, one of the longest running requests about nether portals.

2013-09-10 17:46 UTC But anything that I come up with is just too big. This is my best whilst maintaining the "doorway" look: dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…

2013-09-10 17:48 UTC If it were a little wider I could do fun things with ghasts, though. We all love fun things with ghasts.

2013-09-10 17:53:14 UTC dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…

2013-09-11 14:02:36 UTC After a day of refactoring portal code, this is now possible. dinnerbone.com/media/uploads/…

2013-09-11 14:13 UTC Bunch of other small tweaks to them too; you can light a portal from any block, not just the bottom row. Good for automatic on/off toggling
計畫增加奇數寬的地獄門。 如果地獄門大一點,地獄水母將能進入主世界。 現在可以從地獄門的任何一個地方啟動地獄門, 不再只是其底部。

2013-09-08 20:01:42 UTC I just realized how to add something very awesome into Minecraft's chat system. Consider it done.

2013-09-08 20:03 UTC It's useful to map makers, modders, players and server admins. Basically, everybody.

2013-09-08 20:12 UTC Okay. Imagine if you clicked on something in the chat and it did something silly like execute an arbitrary command.

2013-09-08 20:44 UTC Basically it's this: gist.github.com/Dinnerbone/648…

2013-09-08 20:47 UTC There are other actions, like open a url. Screenshot links are clickable now, also.
將會加入一些很棒的東西至聊天系統, 對於每個人來說都很有用, 例如點擊聊天欄的某個東西,然後執行任意的命令。 基本的格式就像這樣, 還能執行其它的操作,像是開啟一個連結, 截圖連結現在也是可被點擊的。

2013-09-06 21:11:58 UTC I suppose @Dinnerbone or I will have to add a /place command to replace the quirky /summon FallingSand shenanigans :) cc @SethBling
將會增加一個/place指令, 來取代用/summon + 落沙放置方塊的把戲。

2013-09-05 14:28:51 UTC Totally ninja fixed the weird language selection and Mesa biomes! Meso happy!
偷偷了釋出一個更新, 修復了怪異的語言選擇界面和平頂山生物群系。

2013-09-04 12:01 UTC Fishing rewards in 1.7 are split into 3 piles: treasure, junk, fish. There are enchantments to change your luck between the piles.
1.7的釣魚獎勵被分成三類:寶物,垃圾和魚, 有附魔可以改變獲得哪一類獎勵的機率。

2013-09-04 08:55 UTC Brewing a Pufferfish into a Water Breathing potion makes sense, right?

2013-09-04 09:05:55 UTC Don't worry, eating the pufferfish will be strongly discouraged through the use of deadly neurotoxin.
河豚將可用來釀造水下呼吸藥水, 且食用河豚將會中毒。

2013-09-03 15:59:58 UTC After hours of pain, this finally works: imgur.com/a/gfdS6 (custom data via commands). As always, may change before release.

2013-09-03 13:48:31 UTC The first 1.7 snapshot will not have terrain changes. With 225k changed lines unrelated to terrain since 1.6.2, we're gonna test that first.
1.7的首個snapshot將不會有地形更新, 而是先測試22.5萬行和地形無關的程式碼。

2013-09-02 07:45:16 UTC In 1.7 they will be used to count entities, not items.

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